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Organisational Structure

Deepview is not just a platform, it as a living network; the sum of all its members - content creators, contributors, collaborators, audiences, staff and other stakeholders - who should therefore be able to be democratically involved in its ownership and administration. Furthermore, facilitating and ensuring this involvement as an integral aspect of the decentralised and distributed structure of Deepview, is fundamental to Deepview's operational success and the fulfilment of its social mission. This has necessitated consideration of a management system that is suitably adaptive, flexible and responsive to these needs.

Whatever legal framework (company, society, co-opertaive,etc) the everyday organisational methodology that we adopt will either help or hinder our ability to succeed. What is also true is that traditional 'command and control' management methodologies, which may have their place under certain conditions, in certain environments, were not designed to accommodate the possibilities of more democratic participation that are available in other organisational systems.

Consequently, we have been exploring some of the many models and approaches that have been developed specifically for 'flatter' more inclusive, self-management organisational methods that can help organisations towards 'Evolutionary Purpose, Self-Management and Wholeness'; especially those that can also work online, and at scale. These include Sociocracy, Holacracy, Peer Governance, Holoptism, Heterarchies, Equipotential and Teal organisations. By necessity, the final solution will hopefully be a hybrid of some of the best ideas, but tailored specifically to fit our own organisational needs, as determined by founding partners and members.

If you have any experience of these (or other possible models of inclusive governance structures) or if you have any other suggestions or queries, we would be very pleased to hear from you. Also, if you would like to be invited to help participate in shaping and and framing our organisational structure, please contact us.

Ian Noah