Picture of forest road

Road Map

Our current roadmap is outlined below. We’ll be regularly reviewing this in collaboration with the Deepview community. If you’d like to be invited to participate, please do get in touch.

Phase 1: EXPLORATION (2014-6)

  • TV platform idea proposed.
  • TV platform proposal gains formal support at BECTU Annual Conference;
  • Progressive TV company registered
  • Promotion and consultations at TUC Congress.
  • Exploration of various possible service offerings,
    business models and technical solutions. 
  • Union progress meeting (March)
  • Revised technical and business models developed.
  • Launch of private test of initial MVP announced at the Media Democracy Festival 2016.


Phase 2: EXPERIMENTATION (2017/8)

  • Testing of various technical solutions and services.
  • Evolution of Deepview as a collectively-owned, independently managed platform.
  • Re-designing technical infrastructure embracing an Open Source framework as part of the process of building an improved MVP.
  • Continued development of appropriate web, organisational and user frameworks that will support an editorially independent, freely accessible yet sustainable business model.
  • Entered into discussions with OfCom in preparation for broadcasting licence approval.
  • Re-design and update of Progressive TV website


Phase 3: EXPLICATION (2018)

  • Sharing project progress. Invitation to potential partners and content providers to participate by testing and providing specific feedback to help towards the finalising of the project. This input will directly shape our programming, technology and our organisation. Other Project details will be made available on our website in due course.
  • Development of strategy and creation of a pre-MVP 'Performance Stage' on which potential stakeholders and other relevant actors can build, through participation and collaboration, and help create, the shape and content of Deepview.
  • Alpha site goes live (only accessible to invited members)

We’re about to begin the consultation and engagement process with organisations and individuals who have already been involved in preliminary discussions, but if you’d like to be invited too, please do contact us.


Phase 4: EXECUTION (2018/9)

  • Beta launch of MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
  • The decisions made during the building of the Alpha version will shape the Beta version and the launch process, including the launch of the membership scheme. The site will be publicly visible and the consultation process will continue.
  • Revenue allocation for production and programming
  • Linked public events with scheduled programming early collective members – on nationally relevant issues
  • Identification of ways of collaborating with local organisations linking up on national issues and hosting of local screenings with Q&As.


Phase 5: EXPANSION (2019 onwards)

  • PTV hand over to Deepview TV (the legal structure of Deepview will have been formalised in previous phases).
  • PTV to provide ongoing site management if so instructed by Deepview.
  • Further development of revenue streams and programming.
  • To grow our content, membership and audience
  • To assist other groups/organisations/countries to use Deepview as an open source, minimal cost, alternative media platform and organisation template.
Ian Noah